Impressions: LEGO Indiana Jones 2

I have yet to quite complete LEGO Indiana Jones on 360, but the sequel is well upon its way  later this year. This new Indy takes a lot of the feedback from focus groups and applies it  to make it an even more robust and well rounded experience than the first one. Players will  once again be able to team up with a friend and play through scenes from all four Indy  movies, with new, previously unplayable scenes now being playable (such as the Ark opening  in Raiders).

Several other changes have been made to the game too; splitscreen has been introduced for  those times when players are trying to go farther apart than the screen allows. So as an  example, if player one is trying to run off screen and player two is lagging behind, the  screen instantly splits so that each player gets half of the screen. What’s even more  interesting though is that the screen is perfectly split veritically or horizontally.  Depending on how the players are moving, the split screens will actually be diagonal more  often than not, giving each player a fuller experience. when the two players get close  again, the split screen goes away and the action takes place on one screen again.

Scenarios are now also going to change between a few different modes each time players play  them. You might experience a brawl sequence one time, whereby there are tons of NPCs to beat  up on, and the next time the same scene might be done in a puzzle format, where players are  challenged to navigate the area by solving puzzles. There are a couple/three other kinds of  modes too.

Indy’s whip is now also a lot more useful. The example we were shown had Indy in a brawl  sequence from the Diner in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. The whip can be used to lasso and  bound up bad guys.

Another important change was in the main hub of the game. In the first Indy game, the hub  was in Barnett College; the hub has changed now in both location and size. The hub area also  has a whole lot more interactive elements to it to cater to the younger audience.

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 is almost certainly to be a hit later this year on all major platforms.