Impressions: Ant Nation

Konami had a large lineup of DS games on the showfloor this year and what better of a title than an ant simiulator/RTS style of game to sweeten the deal? Ant Nation could best be described as a hybrid of Sim Ant & Pikmin where gameplay involves franticly ordering your army of ants as you attempt to keep the colony alive and gain territory. Similarities to Pikmin arise in the traversion of the land where different types of terrain lead to the need for immunities for different ants. Thus, if you need to pick up some food across a lava pit, you’ll have to create lava ants by burning your ants on fire once. The same goes for water and poison, and the obvious comparisons can be drawn from this.

As for Sim Ant similarities, the game features a battle against rival ant hives and any other critters around the terrain. You also have different types of ants to do different functions. The game features 96 missions across 6 different terrains as well as a multiplayer mode which is basically an all out war between two hives of ants. The game is also coming to WiiWare, with a few changes to the gameplay. It’s scheduled to hit the stores later this summer so be on the lookout for it.