Tecmo Bowl releases for Live Arcade may include NES original as well

Tecmo Bowl releases for Live Arcade may include NES original as well

Following the (effective) death of the Wii verison of the game, we were interested in what exactly Tecmo’s upcoming Tecmo Bowl iteration for Xbox Live Arcade might include.  Upon inquiring as to whether it’d merely be an updated port of the NES original or instead a remade version with enhanced presentation (as per many of the Live Arcade games), Tecmo had to say to us:

“…we’re not sharing details yet, but given the target audience and platform, Tecmo realizes that many of gamers would like to play the NES original as well as an updated version of it.”

They also warn that they won’t be announcing anything on the title at E3, so we’ll have to wait for a while to hear more.  We’ll keep you updated.