Pangya: Fantasy Golf – Official trailer released (in completely unnecessary HD)

Fellow readers,

Let’s take just a moment to reflect upon what’s happening here.  Envision with me for just a second the conversations taking place between the suits at those larger corporate organizations delivering coverage to you:

“Hey, that new trailer for Pangya: Fantasy Golf was just released.  But it’s in HD, and it’s for the PSP.  Isn’t that a little bit excessive?”

“Pfft.  Our readers don’t need an HD version of that footage.  It doesn’t even make sense to provide it, and it just costs us more in bandwidth… even though we charge for membership already.  Deliver it to them in 640×360 instead.”

No, indeed, my good Chumps; here, we provide it in HD, even if it makes no sense to do so.  As such, you get the highest-quality version of even this, a trailer for the PlayStation Portable handheld system, completely free, in streaming high-definition.




Please bask in our irrationality and unreasonable generosity while it lasts… we’re independent, baby!