St. Dragon Girl – vol 1

St. Dragon Girl – vol 1

A cute Shojo manga with a martial arts theme, St. Dragon girl combines the best of all worlds with magic, martial arts, the paranormal, and, of course, romance! The fairly obvious affection between the two best friends is very adorable, without going too far into the terminal unconfessed love that a lot of long-running series are subject to. Clean, crisp, art style and an easy-to-follow story make for a quick and enjoyable read.

My favorite kinds of extras are also included in this first volume of the series, as well, making this a fun and educational read. Cultural and translation notes are in the back, which bring a whole new flavor to the story after you’ve read it, making a second read even more enjoyable. The artist also includes a quick story about a trip she and an assistant took to Hong Kong for research, which gives us a unique and interesting insight into the person behind the pretty pictures.