Nintendo Lays the Reggie Down in Wii Patent Case

Let Judge Reggie handle 'em

Remember that Fenner Investments patent infringement lawsuit against Nintendo for their Wii technology and Wii/GameCube controllers we’ve been hearing so much about?  Well, ROFLcopter, Nintendo has prevailed victorious.  A judge dismissed the case outright today, and added that there was “no need for a jury trial.”

Nintendo of America’s Senior Vice President, Legal & General Counsel Rick Flamm had to say:

“We are very pleased with the court’s decision. [..] Nintendo has a long history of developing innovative products while respecting the intellectual property rights of others. We also vigorously defend patent lawsuits when we firmly believe that we have not infringed another party’s patent, despite the risks that this policy entails. I would like to express our sincere appreciation for the tireless efforts of our legal team, which represented us so well.”

Reggie added:

You mess with the Regginator, you get a metric faceful of insurmountable smackdown.

Or not.

Okay, so maybe it was a little more professional than our write-up would suggest… but the point is, Nintendo’s out of the woods on this whole controller and technology patent dispute deal.  Now, can anyone tell us: is this the same company that was reportedly disputing the Classic Controller design?