The Magic Touch Volume 1

The Magic Touch Volume 1

Tsubo tsubo everywhere!

This is the first Shojo manga that I have ever read and I have to say I was very surprised.  I have always been a little prejudice against Shojo (girly manga) due to the cover art.  But as the saying goes, “don’t judge a book by its cover.”  The cover of this manga has a cute innocent girl in the foreground and a mysterious guy in the background.  I was already wary of what I was going to find inside but I actually liked it!  I found the story line very interesting, although not entirely unique.  The frame of the story was unique though; I have never heard of a manga that is based around a massage club.  I was still a little turned off by the art style, but I think that’s just something I’ll have to get used to, especially the shape of the males in some of the shots, which look very distorted, their heads being tiny and angular and then being attached to huge broad shoulders.  Overall I think it is a very cute and fun anime, with enough plot to keep me turning the page.

Author’s Comments

On several of the pages the author, Izumi Tsubaki adds her little comments on the story and kindly asks how we are enjoying it so far.  This is Izumi’s first manga and it was pretty good for a beginner.  Izumi started doing manga when she was a freshman in high school and she has become a skilled artist and writer.  Her story is very light and fun and I am excited for the release of The Magic Touch volume 2.