Call of Duty: World at War map pack featuring new zombie level confirmed

Call of Duty World at War

If I had to choose two of the most enjoyable things to waste with the help automatic weapons (a thought exercise in which I engage on a frighteningly regular basis), I would have to go with Nazis and zombies.  Well, speak of the Führer, now, straight from the Call of Duty official forums, we’ve got informal confirmation of the new Call of Duty: World at War DLC map pack including a new nazi zombies level as well.

Dear Alarmed Residents of Texas, Indiana and Illinois:

We hope that rumors of a new zombie level being included in the first Call of Duty: World at War DLC map pack wasn’t what sent you into a recent frenzy ( Nazi Zombies scare us too, which is why we’d like to give you a heads-up to stay tuned for official word regarding upcoming DLC. Yes, there will be a new wave of undead coming soon and – while we appreciate everyone’s concern (and we don’t condone vandalism) – we assure you that these zombies will only be found in the Call of Duty: World at War Map Pack. Stay tuned for more details!


Your friends on the Call of Duty: World at War team.
