More Bubble Bobble Plus (WiiWare) details

More Bubble Bobble Plus (WiiWare) details

Lyte Edge over at the NeoGAF forums has graciously provided some more details of the upcoming WiiWare game from Taito.  Of course, the game was released today in Japan, so there should be an abundance of information/media on the horizon for anyone who’s interested (old-school co-op platforming FTW).

Here’s the scoop from Lyte-Edge:

You choose to play in either Play Mode or Ranking Mode.  Rankings mode lists both Japan and Worldwide rankings, so it seems the game will be released elsewhere eventually (hooray!).

The modes include:

  • Standard Map: The classic Bubble Bobble game, one or two players.
  • Arrange Map: Seemingly new maps, one to four players.
  • Super Standard Map: Same maps as Standard Map, but this time, the enemies are harder.  The enemy types seems to be the same, but they’re “more aggressive” and can fire projectiles.
  • Super Arrange Map: Again, seems the same as Super Standard Map mode, but with the Arrange maps instead.
  • Expert Map 1: DLC for 200 points.
  • Expert Map 2: DLC for 200 points.

He also comments on the graphics, saying that they’re “decent enough.”  The maps are 2D, while the sprites have been upgraded to 3D (animated “decently” at best).

Check out his original post and the full thread here.

[Thanks GoNintendo]