Rock Band 2 for Wii: 6 DLC tracks, 4 from Boston

Rock Band 2 for Wii: 6 DLC tracks, 4 from Boston

If you don’t get my reference, don’t feel bad.  You’re in the majority… the probably 99% majority.

Regardless, this week, we’ve got six more tracks for the trailing Wii rockers, all once again priced at 200 Wii points apiece.  Here’s what you get:

  • Boston – Hitch a Ride
  • Boston – Peace of Mind
  • Boston – Smokin’
  • Boston – Something About You
  • Blondie – Hanging on the Telephone
  • All-American Rejects – Dirty Little Secret

He doesn’t know ’em!  Look at his face!  He’s lyin’!

–Steve Schardein