17:38 OtherSteve Hey guys, welcome to the chat
17:38 OtherSteve Steven M’s about to begin in a few moments
17:38 Diddydan hey
17:39 OtherSteve He’s apparently finished the whole game
17:39 Lazzy128 hey
17:39 Diddydan really
17:39 OtherSteve I’m the Nintendo editor so I haven’t touched the game myself 😀
17:39 Diddydan is it like a web cam?
17:39 OtherSteve no, it’s text only; that’s for videos if you want to paste links
17:39 OtherSteve actually I’ve never used it yet
17:39 OtherSteve wonder if it works 😛
17:39 OtherSteve lol
17:39 DC-StevenMcGehee Hey guys, I’m back 🙂
17:39 Diddydan ooo
17:39 Diddydan hey
17:39 MrE Hey StevenM
17:40 MrE How long are the missions?
17:40 MrE (if we’re starting Q&A)
17:40 DC-StevenMcGehee One sec; let me paste in some of my notes:
17:40 Diddydan kk
17:40 MrE awesome
17:40 Diddydan have u got a review for the game yet?
17:40 anon Is this the KZ2 chat thingy?
17:40 DC-StevenMcGehee Now keep in mind I’m only supposed to talk about the first 6 missions… and, btw, I did play on Veteran (Hard).
17:40 Diddydan cool
17:40 OtherSteve The review isn’t allowed yet, it’s under embargo
17:40 DC-StevenMcGehee Corinith River – 1h6m…Blood Meridian – 43m…Visari Square – 56m…Salamun District – 1h10m…Salumun Bridge – 1h8m..Suljeva Village – 1h1m
17:41 OtherSteve however we can chat now
17:41 MrE nice!
17:41 DC-StevenMcGehee Those are the first six missions, their names and my completetion times.
17:41 Diddydan how many levels where there in whole
17:41 MrE You took notes on the lengths!
17:41 DC-StevenMcGehee 10 total missions
17:41 emme hey boyz! is thiz the cyber chat room?! 😀
17:41 Diddydan cool
17:41 DC-StevenMcGehee Well, the game actually captures a lot of stats for you.
17:41 OtherSteve emme, yes
17:41 DC-StevenMcGehee And so I just had to look 🙂
17:41 OtherSteve you’re in the right spot
17:41 Diddydan have you played any online?
17:41 emme great!
17:41 Diddydan ?
17:41 Diddydan have u played online?
17:41 anon So, i heard there is a call of duty style control scheme, can you tell me about it?
17:42 emme nah. im done. im here for kz2 lol
17:42 guest248396 Hey Diddy, he has.
17:42 DC-StevenMcGehee I have; I spent a few hours in the Beta, but then also about another 3-4 hours to this point with this Review Build we have.
17:42 DC-StevenMcGehee SCEA’s PR team hosts online matches every so often, they’ve had about three this month.
17:42 emme answer me this: in your opinion, is it better than Halo?
17:42 OtherSteve Steven can’t comment on the quality of the game yet 🙁
17:42 Diddydan i was wondering if there is a party system online?
17:42 OtherSteve it’s not allowed 😀
17:43 Diddydan ?
17:43 DC-StevenMcGehee Well, I’m actually not a huge Halo fan — for me personally it is because I like the story and the ‘universe’ Guerrila Games has built better than that of Halos. For gameplay, I’d say it’s pretty darn similar.
17:43 OtherSteve Sorry Diddy, he’s typing as quickly as he can 😛
17:43 Diddydan steven is there a party system or a new innovative way of implementing ut
17:43 Diddydan ok
17:43 emme similar as in the way the game is played or similar as in how good it is?
17:44 Diddydan i know its got to be hard
17:44 DC-StevenMcGehee Yeah, I can’t get very specific, you know — we’ll have our review up on the morning of Feb 2nd, which is the day the embargo is lifted. Thanks for the questions though.
17:44 OtherSteve Thanks for coming everyone, we’ll try to get around to everybody.
17:44 anon What different control schemes are there?
17:44 DC-StevenMcGehee DiddyDan, wish I could be more specific for you, but I haven’t spent a whole lot of time on the Halo games :-
17:44 Diddydan ?
17:45 Diddydan i wasnt talking bout halo
17:45 emme anon, good question. im really hoping theres an option to use R1 to shoot
17:45 DC-StevenMcGehee Hm, for control schemes, you can customize your buttons. I went with the default ones; there is some minor SIXAXIS use as well, and plenty of Dualshock use 🙂
17:45 Diddydan wanted to know if theres some sort of part system
17:45 DC-StevenMcGehee Oh, sorry Diddy, I meant emme. My bad.
17:45 Diddydan ok
17:45 anon thx!!!
17:45 anon 😀
17:45 Diddydan steven are u not allowed to talk about the party system then?
17:45 MrE steven, what’s your favorite of the first six missions you can talk about?
17:46 DC-StevenMcGehee anon, I can give you the specfic control layouts if you email or PM me.. and actually, if anyone has a question I can’t get to, or don’t know — feel free to PM or email me and I’ll be sure to respond.
17:46 emme when you say customize, you mean, like Haze? In haze(inb4 hazesucks) you were able to customize every single button to whatever you wanted. Is it similar?
17:46 DC-StevenMcGehee I don’t know about the Party System — I don’t think there is one, I’ll have to look closer, but I didn’t see anything right off to suggest one, nor have I heard about one.
17:46 Diddydan ok
17:46 Lazzy128 Is it easy to get a group of friends together and join games?? can be difficult in some shooters
17:47 DC-StevenMcGehee MrE, favorite of the first six missions is probably the Salamun Bridge mission; very intense.
17:47 MrE awesome, if we have time later i’d love details
17:47 Diddydan do you know if they’ve implemented killzone into home in anyway?
17:47 DC-StevenMcGehee emme, on those controls — to be 100% sure, I’ll need to double check. I looked over the controls and used the in-game tutorials as they came, and I didn’t make any changes. But I’m 95% sure you can adjust every single button. [Editor’s Note: Reportedly it has been confirmed that you cannot customize every button; there are presets. Thanks gunnerheadboy!]
17:47 emme I see.
17:48 DC-StevenMcGehee Diddy, no word on KZ2 implementation into Home.
17:48 guest935544 Did you get to use that machine where you use it as an exo skeleton? Almost like a huge robot suit.
17:48 Diddydan ok
17:48 DC-StevenMcGehee Lazzy128, for getting friends together, so far what I’ve been able to join into has primarily been against other people either in the multiplayer beta from a month or so ago, or just against other outlets that received the Review Code.
17:48 Lazzy128 kk
17:49 DC-StevenMcGehee I don’t actually know any of those guys, so I wasn’t able to get together with them, I just joined a match SCEA PR started up and went from there 🙂
17:49 algorithman Hello
17:49 OtherSteve Yeah that’s normally how it works
17:49 emme yi
17:49 OtherSteve Hello Algorithman, thanks for coming!
17:49 emme yo*
17:49 OtherSteve We’ll get to your questions as quickly as possible; post away. 🙂
17:49 algorithman who are you othersteve
17:49 DC-StevenMcGehee As far as the robot suit, it is useable, not in multiplayer, but in the campaign, but that’s not in the first six missions so I really can’t say anything more about it (we were asked not to talk about the missions beyond #6)
17:50 Lazzy128 Best ps3 shooter so far??
17:50 OtherSteve I’m the Nintendo editor, so I guess in some regards I’m pretty irrelevant in this context
17:50 OtherSteve lol
17:50 OtherSteve Nice to meet you though!
17:50 NeoFatality oh ok thanks anyway
17:50 algorithman so how can you answer our questions?
17:50 emme good question Lazzy.
17:50 OtherSteve StevenM is answering.
17:50 DC-StevenMcGehee Lazzy — it likely is the best PS3 exclusive shooter so far, yes.
17:50 algorithman other steve, Whats the meaning of Life? 🙁
17:51 OtherSteve DC-StevenMcGehee is the Sony editor… as for the meaning of life, we’ll save that for a mailbag someday. 😀
17:51 Lazzy128 Lol very careful with your wors there 🙂
17:51 Diddydan what website are you guys from?
17:51 Lazzy128 *words
17:51 NeoFatality How about the lightning gun? Specific name to it? Also is it as great as it seems from most of the videos I’ve watched?
17:51 OtherSteve Scroll up–DigitalChumps.com. 😀 We’re brand-new in name, but we used to be the staff of Gamerz-Edge, which was around for years before
17:52 OtherSteve And we’re all hardcore and love what we do 😉
17:52 Diddydan and where will this review of the game be?
17:52 DC-StevenMcGehee There is an ‘electric gun’ you get in the latter missions; it’s pretty darn effective and actually recharges so it doesn’t have any specific ammo you pick up. It’s actually just called the electric gun.
17:52 NeoFatality Cool thanks
17:52 Lazzy128 Is ammo very limited throughout the game??
17:52 DC-StevenMcGehee The review will be on the main page on the morning of Feb 2nd, the day the embargo is lifted.
17:52 algorithman how do i know you guys are for real i just got the message from gamefaqs that some guys doing a killzone info. If you wanna prove your real send me a ps3 and i’ll believe 🙂
17:52 OtherSteve It is embargoed until Feb. 2, but on that very day you will find StevenM’s full review here on the site. It will likely be among the best on the internet if I dare say so on his behalf 🙂
17:53 emme Is this embargo on the majority of reviewing sites/magazines?
17:53 Diddydan steven is there anything you can tell us about the demo comming out if you pre ordered?
17:53 OtherSteve Algorithman, PM me your mailing address. (kidding ;))
17:53 NeoFatality cool *bookmarked* : )
17:53 DC-StevenMcGehee Ammo was never a huge problem; at the start of missions you begin with a gun and full ammo, and you can pick up their weapons as you go, and there are also just racks of weapons at certain points you can use to fill up, or change out.
17:53 OtherSteve emme, all but one magazine/site generally. More than likely one site has rights to post a review earlier, but then everyone else must wait.
17:54 algorithman othersteve, is there more semi auto weapon othere than the 1 dubuted in the videos
17:54 DC-StevenMcGehee Diddy, sorry, we have no info on the demo.
17:54 Diddydan ok
17:54 emme I see. Do you guys have any info on the demo being released Feb. 5th?
17:54 OtherSteve Neo, thanks man, we’d be honored to have you and your friends as part of our new community.
17:54 emme Ah, nvm lol
17:54 Diddydan lol
17:54 NeoFatality How many weapons in total? Also forgot to ask, is the electric gun available in multiplayer?
17:54 MrE Steven I have another question actually, just got back… which weapon is the coolest?
17:55 Diddydan steven, could you tell me some more about the chracter you play as in singleplayer?
17:55 DC-StevenMcGehee As far as being as cool as in the videos — forgot who asked that sorry — well, depends on what you’re looking for, but as a whole, and I’ll save more specifics for the review, this is largely a CoD style game; nothing terribily revolutionary about it.
17:55 algorithman …..
17:55 DC-StevenMcGehee Total number of weapons… um, from memory — eight or nine. I haven’t seen the electric gun in MP, actually. [Editor’s Note: This has been confirmed to be at least 15 actually. Thanks, Paradasian!]
17:55 algorithman i think steve’s dead….
17:55 Nicktheman So, is the online similarly addicting to COD4?
17:55 Diddydan ?
17:55 Lazzy128 Is there a level system online??
17:56 DC-StevenMcGehee MrE, my favorite weapon, and this isn’t very interesting at all, is probably just the stanard M82 that you start with. It’s a typical assault rifle but it does great, I like it’s holo-dot site, and it looks good 🙂
17:56 MrE ok cool thx
17:57 Diddydan steven can you say some more about the chracter you play as?
17:57 DC-StevenMcGehee I liked some of the modes for online, but as a straight comparison I do like CoD 4 better, although I haven’t played it in a good while.
17:57 algorithman does enemy turrets shoot you if you’r a sabateur and disguised?
17:57 DC-StevenMcGehee Diddy, for single player, you play a guy named Sev, not John Templar from the other two KZ games, although he is in the story.
17:58 Diddydan ahh
17:58 DC-StevenMcGehee He does speak, you do see him quite a bit in cutscenes, but he’s fairly generic.. you really don’t learn much about him at all throughout.
17:58 Diddydan thx
17:58 MrE how many difficulties are there?
17:58 Diddydan 4
17:58 DC-StevenMcGehee Algo, I don’t believe you can be disguised in MP — you’re either ISA or Helghast, and the bot turrets will attack accordingly, but I don’t know that there is a disguise, really don’t think so though.
17:58 DC-StevenMcGehee MrE, four. Recruit, Trooper, Veteran, and Elite I believe are their names.
17:58 MrE oh ok, thanks diddy
17:58 Diddydan there is a disguise
17:58 kobefancam I’ve heard there isn’t co op in review builds, is there still a chance that it will make it to the finished version?
17:58 MrE thanks
17:59 Nicktheman Here is a chart I found of the level system, and everything you unlock from those levels:
17:59 Lazzy128 Is there a level/ranking system online??
17:59 DC-StevenMcGehee I’ve only heard that co-op may be added afterwards.
17:59 DC-StevenMcGehee Lazzy, there is a ranking system, yes.
17:59 algorithman umm there are classes, sabateur lets u disguise yourself!!!
17:59 Diddydan steven you can disguise
17:59 DC-StevenMcGehee Ah ha; I didn’t know that. I’ve spent most of my time in single player. Thanks for the info.
17:59 OtherSteve Thanks again for coming everyone; rest assured we will try to get around to everyone’s questions.
18:00 MrE StevenM, is the game challenging?
18:00 algorithman please tell me no auto aim is in the game [Editor’s Note: Easy Mode and online play feature a small degree of aim assist. Thanks, Paradasian!]
18:00 NeoFatality Interesting chart there
18:00 Nicktheman ^^
18:00 DC-StevenMcGehee Algo, no there is not auto aim. Your crosshair turns red when over an enemy, but it won’t snap over to them.
18:00 MrE auto aim sucked even back in goldeneye, lol
18:01 algorithman ok thanks 🙂
18:01 DC-StevenMcGehee MrE, I found it pretty difficult on Veteran, yeah; total game time on it was 10h11m.
18:01 MrE nice good length
18:01 DC-StevenMcGehee No problem, thanks for the question.
18:01 NeoFatality Does the FPS cover system work well?
18:01 Diddydan heres a link to some info on the classes
18:01 Lazzy128 Thanks for answering ym questions, im off
18:01 Diddydan http://boardsus.playstation.com/playstation/board/message?board.id=killzone2&thread.id=107850&page=1
18:01 d-ray does it take a while to level up
18:02 Nicktheman I actually heard KZ1 had a 30 hour campaign. never played it myself being too young and all
18:02 OtherSteve Lazzy, thanks for coming, hope to see you again soon.
18:02 DC-StevenMcGehee Covering is done with L2 by default, and you just attach to whatever wall you’re next to; you lean out with the analog stick… it works pretty well, no major complaints. I have yet to figure out how to blind fire though, although the Helghast AI do it.
18:02 NeoFatality Cool
18:02 Diddydan Saboteur/SaboteurPrimary: Assumes the disguise of a randomly selected enemy player.
18:02 Diddydan there u go
18:02 algorithman does the “iron sight” accuracy much better than the hipfire accuracy? or is the game leaning more to ‘hip fire’. I think the vids on youtube show A LOT OF SUCCESSFULL hipfire i NO like that
18:02 DC-StevenMcGehee Nicktheman, KZ one was good… I actually just played through it around Christmas. It took me under 12 hours on Normal, I’ll say that much. Definitely not 30.
18:03 DC-StevenMcGehee Thanks Diddy; I will spend most of the rest of my time in MP with it befoe the review.
18:03 DC-StevenMcGehee Btw, for leveling up, for what I’ve played so far it’s not that difficult. Even in losing you still get quite a few points. You get more for earning ‘Ribbons’ like getting so many kills so fast, etc..
18:04 d-ray thanks that doesnt sound to bad
18:04 d-ray i remember resistance 2 kinda took forever
18:04 OtherSteve For everyone’s information: The entire chat log will be posted following the close of the Q&A later tonight.
18:04 DC-StevenMcGehee Algo, good question. I really didn’t use the iron sites much, unless I was using (of course) the sniper rifle or the M82 (the default ISA assault rifle). I relied primarily on the crosshairs turning red for those distant enemies (or explosives).
18:04 OtherSteve So if you want to catalog it all, just check the site afterwards for records of all your questions!
18:05 algorithman Can you carry 2 primary, for example i have a sniper and i switch to pist, so i can pic up a dead guys shotgun.
18:05 Diddydan is the cloaking system implemented for the scout well?
18:06 Nicktheman algo i think its only 1 main weapon+pistol
18:06 DC-StevenMcGehee Diddy, haven’t honestly tested that much yet. That too is something I can report back to you on.
18:06 DC-StevenMcGehee Nick, that’s right.
18:07 DC-StevenMcGehee You can carry 1 primary, 3 grenades, your knife, and a revolver. You also carry these “D-Charges” which are only useable when they’re needed in the mission.
18:07 Nicktheman I’m assuming the magnum dosent count as a pistol?
18:07 algorithman wait you havent played multiplayer?
18:07 DC-StevenMcGehee Actually it does, there are no other pistols. [Editor’s Note: As mentioned later in the chat, there is actually one other pistol in the game to be found. Thanks, Paradasian!]
18:07 Diddydan nick your right but you are able to combine classes
18:07 DC-StevenMcGehee I have played MP, but only about 5 hours aggregate.
18:07 OtherSteve StevenM has only been able to play with others online, and there aren’t many on yet seeing as the game hasn’t been released
18:07 Nicktheman Magnum is the only pistol? Hmmm, thought I had found a weapon list somewhere that said otherwise
18:08 OtherSteve For multiplayer I mean.
18:08 Diddydan no magnum isnt the only pistol
18:08 DC-StevenMcGehee Yeah it’s the only pistol; you can’t drop it, it has infinite ammo.
18:08 Diddydan really
18:08 DC-StevenMcGehee And there are no others to be picked up. Just a selection of primaries.
18:08 Diddydan my fault
18:08 algorithman So if i pick scout and swith my sniper for say, a shotgun, i can go around cloaked and shotgunning people 🙂 or it wont allow me just becaused i swithed a primary weapon
18:08 Diddydan algo you are able to combine two classes
18:09 MrE this chat is really cool with the images and links
18:09 NeoFatality Can you explain the concept of combining classes?
18:09 Diddydan http://boardsus.playstation.com/playstation/board/message?board.id=killzone2&thread.id=107850&page=1
18:09 d-ray yea thats confusing
18:09 Diddydan go there
18:09 OtherSteve steven, people are saying that the flow of the game is a big deal, and that trophies can be earned by beating bosses quickly, etc… what have you seen if anything?
18:09 Diddydan it explanes all of it
18:09 OtherSteve That’s my question 🙂
18:09 Nicktheman I found another pistol
18:09 Nicktheman
18:10 NeoFatality Thanks man
18:10 DC-StevenMcGehee I’ve gotten a couple of Trophies in beating the Heavies quickly, yes. I assume you get one for beating the ATAC boss quick, but I totally didn’t beat it quickly 🙂
18:10 OtherSteve Heh, thanks 🙂
18:10 d-ray how are the load times?
18:10 NeoFatality Wow I’m very impressed with all the combinations
18:10 DC-StevenMcGehee It has a fine flow, initial mission load time are about 30s, then there are some points where “Loading..” pops up during the mission, but this causes just a 1 or 2s skip in the framerate.
18:10 DC-StevenMcGehee WHen you die, to reload the checkpoint, it’s under 10s.
18:11 d-ray thanks
18:11 NeoFatality Does it the describe each combination in the game?
18:11 DC-StevenMcGehee np, glad to answer what I can. I apologize for the lack of MP knowledge at this time 🙂
18:11 Diddydan np
18:11 algorithman can i remap the controls so much, that it resembles the COD4 with shooting at the R2 and aiming at L2?
18:11 Diddydan steven will you be playing the demo?
18:11 Nicktheman Steven, have you not encountered the pistol in the following link:
18:12 DC-StevenMcGehee Algo, I’m fairly certain you can. I kept with the default map personally, but it’s quite customizable.
18:12 algorithman oh and is it toggle aiming(iron sight view, hold or click)
18:12 DC-StevenMcGehee I don’t plan on playing the demo right now; I may, hadn’t planned on it though 🙂
18:12 DC-StevenMcGehee Let me check that link Nick…
18:13 d-ray i just saw agameplay vid that had multiplayer and the guy did not have a magnum
18:13 Diddydan algo im pretty sure its hold
18:13 DC-StevenMcGehee Hm, honestly, I haven’t.
18:13 d-ray it was the other pistol in the link
18:13 algorithman good thnx diddy
18:13 Diddydan np
18:13 Nicktheman Well than. Theres another reason for you to play the game again when it releases 😛
18:14 DC-StevenMcGehee Ha, no kidding 🙂 .. hm, from that screenshot, that looks like mission 6, Suljeva Village
18:14 Nicktheman its actually a video. if you click it. itll play
18:14 DC-StevenMcGehee I’ll load those checkpoints up again tonight and verify that it wasn’t a gun that some Helghast dropped that I just didn’t see. Hrm.
18:14 DC-StevenMcGehee Oh hah, good call 🙂
18:14 NeoFatality I can guess most classes will be combined with assault
18:15 MrE is the game pretty well balanced from what you can tell?
18:15 Diddydan yer
18:15 Diddydan not answering MrE srry
18:15 algorithman why dont helghast have green dot sight, thats a bit unbalanced for people playing as helghast in MP. Can they choose their helghast rifle OR the ISA’s
18:15 MrE its ok diddy I know 🙂
18:16 d-ray yes tehy can choose
18:16 DC-StevenMcGehee MrE, um, yeah I would say it is. I know that’s a vague answer.
18:16 MrE it’s ok i wasnt looking for anything specific, i just wanted to know how you felt about it
18:16 DC-StevenMcGehee yep, d-ray is correct, you can choose.
18:16 NeoFatality When using a Scout/Medic combo, can you use the med pack on yourself?
18:16 algorithman lol
18:16 Diddydan neo you can yer
18:16 NeoFatality thanks
18:17 Diddydan i was watching a vid and he put a med kit dowen and healed himself
18:17 Diddydan down*
18:17 MrE that’s good i guess
18:17 NeoFatality Scratch that, Assault/Assault combo will be first choice for new players
18:18 algorithman ^i dont want THAT 🙁
18:18 MrE hehe
18:18 MrE herbal essences, yay
18:18 Nicktheman lol advertisement?
18:18 algorithman i have head and shoulders 🙂
18:18 DC-StevenMcGehee haha
18:18 d-ray wow lol
18:18 OtherSteve Head and Shoulders represent. Anyway, let’s keep the questions coming 🙂
18:18 Nicktheman which shampoo do the helghast use?
18:18 OtherSteve Heh 😛
18:18 Diddydan your team ai and enemy ai
18:19 algorithman yay its 2 in one so 1 was and you’re good
18:19 d-ray any reason why teh helghast assult rifle lost t ered sight from killzone 1?
18:19 NeoFatality Also what do they mean by temporarily boosing speed, as in you go faster for a short amount of time and go normal speed for the rest of the game?
18:19 Diddydan yer i was wondering that too neo
18:19 algorithman exactly taht
18:19 Nicktheman Ah yes. I have heard in many places the AI isnt all that great, and in other places that its the best in the genre.
18:19 DC-StevenMcGehee Your friendly AI aren’t all that inspriing, lets say.. i’ll elaborate in the review, but they suffer from a lot of the same disappointments (shooting at the ground, not being very helpful when you really need them ) as lots of other games.
18:20 Diddydan what about enemy ai?
18:20 DC-StevenMcGehee Enemy AI isnt’ bad, they use cover quite a bit, with blind fire and grenades. I never had one ‘cook’ a grendae on me though, they always gave me time to get away if I could.
18:20 Diddydan cool
18:21 algorithman thats not bad they dotn cook in COD either
18:21 Diddydan i was wondering the same thing as neo taswell
18:21 Nicktheman Can YOU cook a grenade?
18:21 NeoFatality Do sentry bot kills count towards your own score?
18:21 algorithman yes you can cook grenade
18:21 Nicktheman Sick. Heard you coudln’t
18:21 algorithman plus it look cool when you do with the lights and the beep sound 🙂
18:21 DC-StevenMcGehee Nick, yes you can. You just hold down the throw button (R2 by default) and a little beeper sound is heard and lights on the grenade start lighting up in sequence. Yellow/Yellow/Red/Boom 🙂
18:21 DC-StevenMcGehee hehe yep.
18:21 Diddydan when you cook a nade it has a timer on the nade too
18:22 Diddydan yer
18:22 DC-StevenMcGehee Yeah you get an audible and visual cue.
18:22 Diddydan lol
18:22 algorithman also when you kill
18:22 Diddydan steven i was watching a gameplay vid of online
18:22 Diddydan and i sore that the player when much faster for a certain amount of time
18:23 Diddydan could you tell me about that?
18:23 Nicktheman So is KZ2 the AAA PS3 game it is said to be?
18:23 algorithman with the steady hands niping think….do the expect us to be doing JUMPING JACKS while playing i think it wont make difference i dont move anywayse unless im angry
18:23 DC-StevenMcGehee Oh yeah you guys were just talking about that. Um, to that effect, I can say that I never encountered any kind of power up or anything in the story that made you stronger, etc. You can however sprint with L3 for a while. That may be what you saw. [Editor’s Note: During online play, the Assault Class’ secondary badge allows twice-as-fast movement. Thanks, Paradasian!]
18:24 Diddydan i dont think it was sprint
18:24 algorithman *sniping
18:24 DC-StevenMcGehee Nick, of course I’m kind of restricted from saying a whole heck of a lot about the overall thoughts on the game until Feb 2nd — but it’s not the complete package I was hoping for.
18:24 NeoFatality probably the secondary assault bonus
18:24 Diddydan because the screen went all blue and the sprint meter wasnt going down
18:25 Diddydan steven what was your thoughts on the clan support?
18:25 NeoFatality yup most likely the assaults secondary power
18:25 Nicktheman Diddy, maybe the player on the screen was just LIGHTLY pressing on the analog stick
18:25 Diddydan ?
18:25 algorithman can you be differen looking helghasts in mulitplayer, depending on your class, like the ones i saw on killzone.com?
18:25 Diddydan yes
18:25 NeoFatality lol too many questions now
18:25 MrE lol i’m just reading
18:26 MrE this is awesme
18:26 Diddydan i know
18:26 algorithman …….
18:26 DC-StevenMcGehee haha 🙂
18:26 Diddydan steven?
18:26 NeoFatality i think im too excited for this game
18:26 OtherSteve Give him time to type guys, he’s only human 😀
18:26 algorithman no hes not
18:27 DC-StevenMcGehee No, it’s cool.
18:27 OtherSteve Well maybe he’s a cyborg, but still
18:27 Diddydan steven what was your thoughts on the clan support?
18:27 Nicktheman I must say i’m somewhat worried. Steven, you do sound a little unsure about the greatness of the game that it was hyped up to be. But I guess that would be my bad for giving into the hype.
18:27 algorithman he thought it was cut..llllthere
18:27 Diddydan best you’ve seen?
18:27 DC-StevenMcGehee Algo, I’m not sure about the different costumes. I would assume so, never saw anyone thus far with a different look in the games i’ve played online.
18:27 algorithman can you solve a rubix cube?
18:28 Diddydan how do add an image in the bottum
18:28 MrE dc-stevenm, any gripes about the controls or general gameplay?
18:28 OtherSteve Diddy, you simply paste a link into the chat.
18:28 DC-StevenMcGehee Algo, no, but OtherSteve totally can.
18:29 OtherSteve The chat system scrubs it for links. And yes, I can solve a Rubik’s Cube, far too quickly I might add due to the fact that I am indeed a nerd (in addition to a Digital Chump)
18:29 DC-StevenMcGehee MrE, more in the review of course, but in brief, the gameplay isn’t much more than just pure action and nothing really new, that’s my biggest complaint. Controls are just fine though.
18:29 algorithman hey PEOPLE they HAVe custom soundtrack i see 🙂
18:30 MrE cool, I can’t wait for the review, you sound like you know more about the game than just about any reviewer i’ve read stuff from
18:30 algorithman “big girls dont cry”
18:30 OtherSteve Haha algorithman
18:30 DC-StevenMcGehee Single player perhaps, but MP is what I’ll spend the rest of my time with until the review 🙂
18:30 Nicktheman have you experimented with offline MP with bots yet?
18:30 algorithman gd song
18:30 Nicktheman How does it compare?
18:30 Diddydan algo
18:30 Diddydan to answer your questions about the classes looking different
18:30 Diddydan http://boardsus.playstation.com/playstation/board/message?board.id=killzone2&thread.id=107850&page=1
18:31 Diddydan there are pics of all the classes ingame
18:31 OtherSteve algo, the next video of Killzone we post on the site I will be sure to make the intro/outro Big Girls Don’t Cry, just for you
18:31 Diddydan lol
18:31 DC-StevenMcGehee Nick, just briefly; I can PM you more details if you’d like after I do more testing.
18:31 Nicktheman Ok
18:31 OtherSteve Because here at DigitalChumps, we care 😉
18:32 Nicktheman Was just wondering how the AI was in there, how it compares to online, etc XD
18:32 DC-StevenMcGehee Btw, all… my email address, and I’d post this outright if Meebo would let me 🙂 is
18:32 DC-StevenMcGehee steven AT digitalchumps DOT com
18:32 OtherSteve So spam him!
18:32 DC-StevenMcGehee Yeah Nick, defintiely good question and I do want to give you more details. I just haven’t spent enough time with them to feel comfortable giving you a good answer right now.
18:32 algorithman YEEESSS!! thx i bookmarked that page i love he sabatuer
18:33 Nicktheman I just wi***** had offline splitscreen for MP >< love showing off the power of the cell to my friends lol
18:33 algorithman So there ARE multiple weapons per class. and do you have to be assault to have rockets
18:33 Diddydan steven have oyou looked at the clan support at all?
18:33 OtherSteve lol Nick, you forgot to hit the space bar and our chat client thought you cursed 😛
18:34 Nicktheman lol yeah. it cut off the 2nd half of my sentence.
18:34 algorithman everybody…i have a short story to tell
18:34 algorithman i have a 360
18:34 Diddydan booo
18:34 algorithman ’twas good but no more
18:34 DC-StevenMcGehee No offline splitscreen unfortunately.
18:34 DC-StevenMcGehee haha, RROD?
18:34 Diddydan steven are u ignoring me?
18:34 DC-StevenMcGehee Diddy, no have not done anything with Clans 🙂
18:34 DC-StevenMcGehee haha, no sorry.
18:34 Diddydan ive asked u like 10 times now….
18:35 algorithman no my first controller RB button died due to guitar hero 🙁
18:35 Diddydan ok
18:35 DC-StevenMcGehee Oh, hrm.
18:35 DC-StevenMcGehee Sorry about that man.
18:35 algorithman then my charger stopped working
18:35 DC-StevenMcGehee If I miss anything do feel free to email or PM, seriously.
18:35 Diddydan np
18:35 algorithman then i said F that, im getting ps3 🙂
18:35 Diddydan cool
18:35 Nicktheman great story. 10/10
18:35 DC-StevenMcGehee lol
18:35 algorithman AND the usb port isnt working
18:35 algorithman hey im not done
18:36 algorithman so i cant BUY A WIRED CONTROLLER It STILL WOULDNT WORK
18:36 DC-StevenMcGehee .. my first 360 RROD’d. Don’t even like to talk about it, might curse my current one.
18:36 Nicktheman will your review be counted in the metacritic score?
18:36 algorithman i play on batteries
18:36 algorithman THE END. (by algorithman)
18:36 DC-StevenMcGehee I don’t think so Nick, we’re not Bolded on Gamerankings.com yet either, you have to have like 300 reviews I think, we’re close but not there yet.
18:36 OtherSteve Nick, actually, our site is so new we aren’t yet indexed in Metacritic.
18:36 OtherSteve That will change soon enough however.
18:36 Nicktheman I see.
18:37 Diddydanwas ur company at e3?
18:37 algorithman lol i heard 360 fans messed up the rating for the game
18:37 OtherSteve Yes, and TGS and CEs.
18:37 OtherSteve We will be at all major conferences.
18:37 Diddydanwas u there?
18:37 Nicktheman If KZ2’s graphics were just good. not amazing like they are currently, would it be as good(or as bad) of a game?
18:37 OtherSteve We used to be Gamerz-Edge, but we broke away from our parent company and are now running a site independently by hardcore gamers, for hardcore gamers 🙂
18:37 algorithman were you ther?
18:37 OtherSteve Diddy, yes 🙂
18:37 Diddydancool
18:38 MrE this site is pretty good for being new
18:38 kobefancam how is the story in the single player, good or sub par?
18:38 OtherSteve Thanks MrE, we’re trying 🙂
18:38 algorithman i heard that the HELGHAST were actually not BAD but the ISA
18:38 DC-StevenMcGehee Nick, the gfx are definitely very good/great — and you’ll see that right off the bat on the first mission, but it alone isn’t of course enough to carry the game. I don’t give the visuals/audio more weight than gameplay, though.
18:38 algorithman comparable to america going for oil
18:39 DC-StevenMcGehee so ultimately if the presentation quailty weren’t as high as it is, it’d still score rather similarly.
18:39 DC-StevenMcGehee haha, well algo in this one ISA is coming to Helghan to takeover 🙂
18:39 DC-StevenMcGehee the story, it’s pretty generic.
18:39 algorithman yea you make us play the bad guys 🙁
18:39 DC-StevenMcGehee You get most of your info through your comm system as you’re playing, or through short cutscenes.
18:40 DC-StevenMcGehee And, it’s probably no surprise, it’s left wide open for yet another sequel 🙂
18:40 d-ray i have a question for MP…can u pick different primary wepons for each class or do they have to stick to that classes main weapon?
18:40 DC-StevenMcGehee but I can’t say a lot about that as we’re asked to only talk about the first 6 missions and MP.
18:40 Nicktheman Anyway you could specify what exactly the game would need for you to be better?
18:40 DC-StevenMcGehee d-ray, you can’t be very choosy. I know from the get go you can be a general ISA or Helghast grunt and you can only choose between the two standard assault rifles.
18:41 d-ray okay thanks that would be cool to cloak an engenier with a shotty lol
18:41 algorithman NO steven do you have more than one exclusive class weapon….as you would have more thatn one weapon for a weapon type in COD (SMG sniper etc)
18:41 DC-StevenMcGehee Well, that the game doesn’t totally turn the genre upside down is completely fine, there is still plenty of room for another straight-forward, fairly standard shooter, but I was just eager for more.
18:42 DC-StevenMcGehee Ok, cool algo, thanks.
18:42 d-ray oh reall?
18:42 d-ray really*
18:42 algorithman no, that was a question!!!
18:42 d-ray so its like call of duty then?
18:42 DC-StevenMcGehee Right, sorry just re-read that. I don’t know.
18:43 Nicktheman Any major problems within the game that bother you that much?
18:43 algorithman if i choose sabatuer, will i have more thatn one weapon to choose from as starting weapon?
18:43 Diddydanyes
18:43 Diddydannvm
18:43 Diddydanmy fault
18:43 Diddydansteven wwill prob know
18:44 DC-StevenMcGehee Nick, yeah there are a few. This is review code, so some things will be ironed out, like the crashes, those were listed as known issues, didn’t have but probably 8 throughout the whoel thing anyway.
18:44 DC-StevenMcGehee But uh, the friendly AI makes you shake your head sometime in what they do, like shooting at the ground when an enemy is below them, yelling “reloading!!” when they haven’t even been firing, lol…
18:44 DC-StevenMcGehee and i wish they could revive you, too. You can revive them, at least the major friendly AI players like Garza, Natko, and Rico — but they can’t revive you, which is a shame.
18:45 Diddydansteven u only have the review build
18:45 Diddydan?
18:45 Nicktheman I see. Is there anything you would call game-breaking?
18:45 DC-StevenMcGehee Yeah, it’s a Test Sample / Review Code we got in the last week of Dec.
18:45 algorithman what about the radar system. Do you show up when you shoot, or what?
18:45 OtherSteve Generally review builds are very similar to retail.
18:46 DC-StevenMcGehee No, nothing game breaking. The final sequence makes you slap your forehead in how kind of generic it is, but overall nothing breaking. It was fun.