That’s What She Said: Redux (OR: I forgot my CES badge)




So this morning when we left for the airport it was raining. Astute readers (all both of you) may recall from our set of rules that any form of precipitation completely invalidates all TWSS scoring activity, thus resulting in unchecked chaos. That might have been what happened this morning had another form of chaos not superseded the That’s What She Said activity: missing CES badges.

See, when you sign up for CES, like most expos, they send you your badge in the mail (when you arrive you pick up the badge holder to complete the unholy union). As it turns out, I had neglected to mention to Eric that fellow EIC Nathan Stevens had mailed me Eric’s badge in addition to my own. Unaware of the CES protocol, Eric casually mentioned something about a badge, which immediately prompted a short string of profanities from the passengers of our Toyota RAV4 and subsequently an expedited trip back to my home to pick up the forgotten badges.

To make a long story short, the number of people at the airport on this Wednesday afternoon could be counted on one hand, so it actually didn’t make any difference at all. But nevertheless I thought I’d share it with you as there isn’t much else all that interesting to do on a four-hour plane ride (SkyMall loses its appeal rather quickly once you come to grips with the fact that a laser matrix cannot possibly help you to regrow lost hair).