Vexille Special Edition

Vexille Special Edition

Evil Robotic Technology

Vexille is the name of a female operative that is sent to Japan in the year 2077 to investigate Daiwa Heavy Industries to see if they’re creating robotic technologies that were banned by the UN. Ten years earlier, in 2067, Japan isolated itself, literally, from the rest of the world, severing all ties and shrouding themselves with highly advanced technology. Vexille, along with Leon and other operatives from the powerful yet secretive SWORD, get into Japan to investigate Daiwa and the island in general for illegal practices in robotics manufacturing. What they find is shocking: nearly all of Japan’s inhabitants have been turned into androids.

Vexille is an intriguing film with plenty of human versus machine action and themes. It isn’t the best anime I’ve seen, but it is interesting and entertaining.

Vexille on Blu-ray

On Blu-ray, Vexille packs quite a punch. The CG looks great: it’s vibrant and very smooth. Vexille has a cel-shaded look to it and it pops on this Blu-ray. The audio is great too; included are both a 5.1 English and 5.1 Japanese audio track, you can’t go wrong either way. There are plenty of extra features too, just under two hours worth, and include:

-Opening Comments From the Locarno Film Festival

-Sori’s Work as an Animation Creator

-Voice Acting Footage – Voice of Vexille

-Creating the Cities in Vexille

-2007 Tokyo International Anime Fair Event

-Sori’s Guest Lecture at Digital Hollywood Tokyo

-Voice Acting Footage – Voice of Leon

-An Old Friend Visits Sori

-Behind the Scenes Footage of ICHI

-Creating Vexille’s 3D Animation

-Voice Acting Footage – Other Cast Members

-Creating the Music In Vexille – Part 1

-Creating the Music In Vexille – Part 2

-Vexille’s Premiere

-Sori’s Closing Comments

-The Secrets of Vexille

-Original TV Spots and Previews

All together, this is an interesting Blu-ray release that anime fans should definitely check out.