As you may or may not be aware, we here at Digitalchumps are very light-hearted when it comes to humor, but down to business when it comes to recommendations. We absolutely believe that you should get what you pay for and stand by our reviews %100. Sometimes that bites us in the ass, sometimes it works out. Rest assure that all the time we do what we do for your own spending safety. With that said, I present to you this year’s best DVDs or DVD Sets. Each is in its own category for some time of award, which are for humor, but we completely recommend each DVD or DVD set we mentioned for legitimate reasons. I personally want to make you aware of what I believe should be on your holiday list for this year. I truly believe that these are the best of the best of 2008 and you should consider them when you’re making your purchases this year.

WINNER: Wall-E / The Dark Knight
STUDIO: Pixar / Warner Brothers
RELEASE DATE: November 11th, 2008 / December 9th, 2008
It has been decidedly tough to figure out who should win the best of the best of DVDs for the year. It’s completely a tie, though. Wall-E and The Dark Knight are both picks for me. I feel like Wall-E is a great title for the family, while The Dark Knight truly brings one of the best cinematic features to the homestead. Both carry a large amount of features that vary, considering they are remarkably different from each other (go figure) and highlight both films pretty damn clearly. I think that both films were big enough for the studios (Pixar and Warner Brothers) to go the extra mile when trying to figure out what to give the folks at home when it came to special features.
I do understand that these were my picks for Blu-ray, but I still think they’re just as good on DVD.

WINNER: 300 Limited Collector’s Edition
STUDIO: Warner Brothers
RELEASE DATE: November 18th, 2008
What can you say about 300 that hasn’t already been said. It’s a film that is a no-nonsense experience, as it takes a historical event and visually blows it out of proportion. I understand now why Zack Snyder got the Watchmen gig. Movie aside, the 300 Limited Collector’s Edition is a perfect example of what an ‘ultimate collector’s edition’ should be like. Too often movie studios use that term loosely and this release doesn’t. You got a hard cover booklet of scene to comic comparison and three discs (the feature, special features and added bonus features). You also get some nice mini-posters that are super-glossy, and one 3D image of our main man throwing a spear. Pretty darn cool for a $49.99 (probably cheaper elsewhere) price tag.

WINNER: The Incredible Hulk
STUDIO: Universal Studios
RELEASE DATE: October 21st, 2008
Ang Lee took an off-the-wall direction with a character that truly didn’t need that much emotional drive. Edward Norton and director Louis Leterrier rebooted the franchise, and even tied it in with Paramount Picture’s Iron Man, which turned out to be such a fantastic adventure. Action from the beginning to the end, you’ll find a more human Bruce Banner that doesn’t have quite the emo style the first maintained. Thankfully, no father included in this story. Excellent reboot of the series and stacked with features on DVD. It deserves and demands your attention, as you should give it.

WINNER: Cloverfield
STUDIO: Paramount Pictures
RELEASE DATE: April 22nd, 2008
I had issues trying to figure out which horror film to include in this year’s awards, but once I saw Cloverfield released this year, it was no contest. Cloverfield is a movie that truly is an experience to behold. It’s not simply a teen movie about idiot people in woods being chased by an imaginary witch, it’s a movie about being in the wrong place at the wrong time (for all parties included). It’s shot on video, mixed in with CGI and it is a great thrill ride. The DVD features are really quite entertaining, especially the easter eggs. So, if you’re a bit tired of watching A Christmas Story on TBS this year, it might be good to change gears a bit.

WINNER: Persepolis
STUDIO: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
RELEASE DATE: June 24th, 2008
I will be the first to admit that I always thought of Iran, especially in light of the media today, as a godless country of unruly killers. Horrible, isn’t it? I believe this makes Persepolis one of the more powerful films of 2008. It gives you a great perspective on a country that hardly any Americans, who aren’t world history majors, barely know. You get to take a view through the eyes of a young girl about Iran’s birth, resurrection and rebirth and how it affected the people she knew around her. It’s an amazing tale and an amazing DVD. It has features that will catch your interest and hopefully inspire you to learn more about other people’s cultures. Excellent for those wanting something more than just entertainment.

STUDIO: Paramount Pictures
RELEASE DATE: September 23rd, 2008

STUDIO: Warner Brothers
RELEASE DATE: September 9th, 2008

STUDIO: The Shout Factory!
RELEASE DATE: October 21st, 2008
RATING: Not Rated