

True Stories are always better

One of the things that makes Casino so interesting is the fact that it
is based on events that actually happened. In the early years, some
saw the deserts of Nevada and the bright lights of Las Vegas as the
last frontier, a place where there was no law, no rules, only money to
be made.

But the story of casino is not an over the top tail of larger than
life villains who get away with outlandish things… what makes this
film so captivating is the realism driving the plot. The story focuses
around Sam “Ace” Rothstein (Robert De Niro), a bookie turned
legitimate casino director who helps the mob move from the east coast
and start up a casino in Las Vegas.

Ace is a mobster, but he prefers to deal his cards on the table
instead of under the table, and his legit way of doing business causes
tension between him and mobster friend Nicky Santoro (Joe Pesci). For
every legitimate move Ace makes, he also has to help Nicky cover
something up, and before long tension builds between lifelong friends.

Woman is the classical fall of man

Enter Ginger McKenna (Sharon Stone). Ginger is beautiful and
mysterious. Ginger knows how to work a room, and make you think you
are worth a million bucks as she pockets every dime you throw her way.
Ginger is a different kind of scammer in Las Vegas, playing on the
hearts (and eyes) of gullible men on the Las Vegas strip.

Ginger steals more than just money; she also steals Ace’s heart, and
creates problems for Ace greater than those of his mobster friends.
Using casino money, Ginger fuels her self-destructive habits and wears
away at Ace, while Ace takes her abuse because he loves her despite
the fact that she loves someone else. Ginger is Ace’s tragedy, he is
so meticulous in managing his professional life but we see that he is
also incapable of managing his personal life. When he puts trust in
someone who has not earned it, he reaps painful consequences for his

We get a glimpse behind the scenes at just how dirty, dirty money
actually is. With the mobsters taking their cut, paying henchmen and
middle men along the way, the casino cooks the books and reports only
a little of the millions they rake in every day. Crooked politics with
crooked politicians, cheaters and whales all make their way, and Ace
tries his best to keep everyone paid, keep everyone happy, and also
run a top notch, and very legitimate business along the way.

I won’t spoil the ending if you’ve never seen Casino, but I will say
that this film satisfies, wrapping things up in a fitting, but
surprising way. Presented in 1080P high definition wide screen you get
the full movie experience at home. I don’t believe this movie has
looked so good since it was in theatres over 10 years ago.

Special Features for High Rollers

In addition to the movie, you also get some great special features. These include:

  • Blu-Ray exclusive: U-Control

  • Picture in Picture

  • Moments with Martin Scorsese, Sharon Stone, Nicholas Pileggi and more!

  • Deleted Scenes

  • Vegas and the Mob

  • History Alive: True Crime AuthorsL Casino with Nicholas Pileggi