Mr. Bicep

Mr. Bicep Gets a Taste of the Guns

They say there are no absolutes.  No absolute truth, no absolute morality, no absolute vodka… none of that stuff.  I’m not sure if I believe that, but when it comes to E3, I definitely do.  It’s simply chaos every year, regardless of how much you prepare; it never fails.  However, there is but one certainty with regard to all technology trade shows.  And that certainty is…

Mr. Bicep!

I’m not sure exactly how he does it, but the on-air television personality Bruce Pechman always manages to find us at least once every time we’re at one of these trade shows.  If you were to use one word to describe the man, it would have to be either omnipresent or inevitable.  Sometimes he even sandbags his way to victory in drunken Texas Hold’em Poker Competitions, resulting in the acquisition of a PlayStation 3 at no cost of his own.  It’s bizarre, and quite frankly, a little bit scary.  But I love the guy, so that’s all right.

Either way, once in a while, you have to flaunt your dominance.  Tonight, after just a few whiskey sours at a little get-together with the folks at Logitech, I decided to show ol’ Bruce who’s boss.