What to expect

My predictions?

Well, seeing as I primarily cover Nintendo stuff, I’ll confine my predictions to Nintendo’s stuff.  I don’t have much to predict anyway.  But from what we’ve read and seen from everyone, I think there are a few things that would be safe to expect.  Let’s check it out:

  • The most heavily-rumored of all announcements at the press conference tomorrow is, of course, Animal Crossing Wii.  I’m going to lay my money down on this one and say I expect it to be there as well.  What’ll it be like?  Well, no one knows… but once again, it’d be safe to expect lots of online and hopefully a great deal of interaction beyond the restrictive shackles of friend codes.
  • Also not-so-heavily-rumored but absolutely necessary is some sort of storage solution.  I think I’ll figure on at least something being shown in the way of storage, as many people have long ago filled up their Wii flash memory and are now shrugging their shoulders at new WiiWare/Virtual Console content as a result of the fact that it’s just too much trouble to clean out the fridge.
  • Punch-Out!! is also rumored to be there.  Personally, I think it fits perfectly with the new MotionPlus announcement, as it’ll allow for some pretty sweet movement tracking and perhaps the most realistic boxing sim yet as a result.  But let’s hope they don’t go too far into realism and step away from the fun that defined the franchise to start with.  That is, if we even see this title at the show.

Those are the big ones.  What else will we see?  Well, you can put your money on some more downmarket games aimed at the newly-created demographics, plus at least one other major franchise announcement for the Wii.  DS?  I don’t have a clue to be honest.  But I’m hoping for a resurrection of the long-rumored Metroid Dread.

We’ll see… but no matter what happens, I’m excited for the show tomorrow. This might be my umpteenth trade show, but this stuff just never gets old to be honest. 🙂

We’ll have more as it breaks.  Talk to you soon!
