Final Fantasy 1360

Funny things happen when you get off planes; the gaggle of children whom screamed for the previous three hours suddenly cease their hostility-inviting siren, you suddenly remember your copy of Edge that you ‘temporarily’ placed in the seat pocket, and you walk away convinced $25 is a reasonable price for the marshmellow bazooka you saw in the Sky Mall catalogue.  Oh, one more thing, Squeenix launches the first E3 megaton and decides it’s time for Final Fantasy XIII to go multiplatform.  I mean, everyone sort of figured it was going to happen sooner or later, but to drop this (and a mostly new trailer) at E3, where we weren’t sure if the game would be appearing in any capacity, was quite a surprise.  So much that a  considerable number of concerned parents shot disapproving looks in my general direction after my profanity laced reaction took the arrival/departure gate by storm.  Such is life, though, it looks like Versus is still locked as a PS3 exclusive.  For now!

 — Eric

Eric Layman is available to resolve all perceived conflicts by 1v1'ing in Virtual On through the Sega Saturn's state-of-the-art NetLink modem.