Mega Man 9 to feature downloadable content

It’s just a small morsel of information on the upcoming WiiWare title, but Famitsu has revealed that Mega Man 9 will feature downloadable content as well.  This could be anything from new levels to new power-ups or bosses, all of which would be sweet.

Also, while we’re talking new Mega Man 9 information, a confirmation regarding the price has hit  Perhaps surprisingly, the game will cost you only 1,000 Wii Points upon release (at least, if the pricing is consistent with that of the Japanese release).  Some folks have whined that since it’s an NES game it should be ten bucks or less; I say even a $15-$20 price tag would be justified seeing as it’s a brand-new installment in the series.  But hey, I’m not complaining–this is great news!

More as it develops.