Sex and the City

Sex and the City

Unlike so many movies spawned from television series, Sex and the City stays true to form. This is the Sex and the City we all fell in love with, and then some. Three years have passed in Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha’s world, but it’s like no time has gone by for those of us sitting in the theater. There have been some changes of scenery, but the girls are still best friends and are still going through the same problems that real women face. The audience cried, cheered, laughed and gasped at the sight of a fabulous wedding dress as only a theater full of women can.

We were introduced to new circumstances, as well as reminded of old elements from the series. From everybody’s relationship developments to Carrie’s inability to keep up with evolving technology (her cell phone is the same one she had in the series, held together with duct tape), every feeling and moment hits home as squarely as when we were all anxiously awaiting new episodes to air so many years ago.

The characters are the same and yet different. They are still the people we knew and loved when we would settle down for our weekly viewings, but they somehow appear less and more jaded at the same time. The old cynicism and hope about love are still there, just packaged differently. We finally learn Mr. Big’s full name, and it was strange and exciting at the same time to hear Carrie actually use it.

This movie definitely lives up to the reputation its name brings and is a must-see for any Sex and the City watcher. The series actors did a fantastic job at bringing their characters back to life and the new characters brought in fresh perspectives for the veterans. Jennifer Hudson as Carrie’s assistant was a delightful addition to the cast.

I’m afraid I can’t really say any more without giving key elements of the story away, but I can tell you that there are a lot of twists and turns; some may have already been guessed, but I can assure you there will be a few that you never saw coming. Be prepared for a lot of screaming, a lot of laughs and of course, a lot of sex.

I absolutely loved this movie, and as I walked out of the theater, I couldn’t help but wonder…Is there someone I can call to speed up the DVD release?