Pushing Porygons
In terms of presentation, the game feels somewhat like other Pokémon titles but ultimately doesn’t match up to the level of excitement presented in Stadium 1 & 2. The game looks very nice compared to its DS counterparts (as should be the case) but compared to the GameCube, there are hardly any improvements. A few touches here or there are the most of the graphical improvement and otherwise the game could pass as a GameCube title (though the Wii-mote interface is a nice way to pass through menus and select your attacks).
The part of this game that personally disappointed me was the musical score. I just wasn’t impressed with the score and feel as if it could be the worst score in a Pokémon game yet (all of the other scores in previous games are great). Also, the sound effects are highly lacking and the announcer becomes quite annoying with only a few set phrases (like was the case in Stadium).
An Itty Skitty Summary
Pokémon is now being battled on the internet both via console and handheld and it’s only growing in popularity. Though Battle Revolution will not appeal to many players who have not played a previous Pokémon game due to its lack of variety, it should be a decent multiplayer experience to fans of the series who want to battle with their friends online. Or, they may long for more in terms of features and anyone who experienced Gold, Silver, Crystal, and Stadium 1 & 2 will be wishing that this game encompassed half of what was present in those games. Still, diehard fans of the series will not miss out on this game despite its many iniquities.