

The cast for Stardust is nothing less than incredible. There is Robert De Niro playing Captain Shakespeare, Michelle Pfeiffer playing Lamia, and Claire Danes playing Yvaine. Even the less known actors did an amazing job. Charlie Cox, who is the lead actor, playing Tristan, deserves major kudos. He is a relatively unknown actor but he held his own in each scene with these A-list celebrities. Another actor that should be acknowledged was Mark Strong who playing Septimus, one of the princes.

Michelle Pfeiffer played the extremely powerful, black magic, wicked witch, Lamia. This role was perfect for her. She is getting older but is still one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood and the role of a witch trying to reclaim her youth and beauty was great for her at this

time in her career. Although everyone did great, I’d have to say that Robert De Niro topped the pack. His rendition of Captain Shakespeare was nothing less than phenomenal. He played fruity, lighthearted pirate who puts on a strong macho man persona for his crew, and is concerned about keeping up his reputation as the hard, tough captain. He was the most lovable character in the film, and nothing beats Robert De Niro dressed in drag and dancing to the “Can Can.”

The cinematography in this film in incredible. There was a lot of on-location shooting and the scene are beautiful. There are also a lot of visual effects used in this film and they were done great as well. I am usually let down by effects because I find them distracting but these were not at all. They completely added to the experience. For example, the flying ship that had to be done with green screen and computer generated effects was amazing.

The menus were a bit ordinary but they were still attractive. There wasn’t anything much different or new in the Special Features but they were still enjoyable to watch. The altered and deleted scene were amusing and the making of the film was great to watch. It was fun and interesting. The soundtrack was very fitting for the film also, with classical music that everyone is familiar with like Dvorak’s “Slavonic Dances.”

This is definitely a movie that you want in your collection. It has a great cast, a great plot, and a great director. It is a feel good film that allows for a good two hour escape.

Overall: 9.0