Be With You

Be With You


The plot begins to move as we discover Mio Aio had made a promise to Yuji before she died, that she would return during the rainy season from the planet Archive, where all souls continue to live as long as someone in this world remembers them. This is a promise Mio intends to keep, though it comes with a few hitches. When she appears to their surprise and joy, she is completely without memory of anything that had come to pass between her and the poor besotted boys.

Complications arise as the Aio family scrambles to adjust to the sudden reappearance of the most important woman in their lives, not to mention her inability to recall who they are! Yuji has the toughest time of all, remembering so vividly a mother who knew him better than he knew himself, and knowing that he cannot speak of her newfound life to anyone other than Takkun.

What I love most about this tale, is the attention and appreciation to detail. It is not technical detail I speak of, but focus on the small, often overlooked details of life. The little things that make or break us; those small instances and nuances that make life so inherently beautiful. Ichikawa reminds us how vital it is to do the twirly dance on our birthday, or hang our clothes facing to the right, or how only mom can scold us into feeling truly loved. Mio relearns the habits and personalities of her husband and son, and they gradually weave a rich tapestry of humanity that makes us one and the same. The quirks and problems of poor Takkun make him that much more human, and the precocious good-heartedness of Yuji reminds us of how we all were at a certain age. I found myself getting giddy with excitement right along with Yuji for things only a pure heart would skip a beat for.

The past is brought forward; Takkun tells Mio of how they met, what peaked his interest, how he fell for her, and why he reluctantly hesitated to show his feelings. All this mixes with their everyday lives, as we see Takumi as a real and flawed man with the heart of a lion (who is a kitten in disguise).

A concerned mother-in-law, a curious baker, the well-informed family doctor, and others add a little crazy to the mix, even as Takumi and Mio’s love re-forms and inflames. All the while, the end of the rainy season looms over their heads, when Mio may have to return to planet Archive for good.


The presentation of this book is simple, yet elegant. There is a flowing style that moves from an almost-too-realistic to a highly stylized a la Clamp (X:1999, Tsubasa) to that old familiar super-deformed Chibi cuteness. There are notes and tones of facial structure that put me in mind of Revolutionary Girl Utena. The shift in style and flavor of the art conveys the emotion and tone with alacrity. Framing and figure lead the eye well, and the overall effect lends to an easy read that draws you onward.


Be With You is a very well rounded story, with a beginning that charms, and a body that entrances. The ending took me entirely by surprise and shook me to my foundation. This manga has had me laughing, giggling, gasping and sobbing. Buy it for your shelf an d pick it up any time you need reminding how precious and beautiful life and love are.


Overall: 8.0