Ash vs Evil Dead The Complete Third Season

Ash vs Evil Dead The Complete Third Season
Ash vs Evil Dead The Complete Third Season

The final season of Ash vs Evil Dead is everything you could have hoped for, and will leave a hole in your heart knowing that this is the end.

Release Date:Genre:Rating:Publisher:

“In the third and final season of the STARZ hit series, chainsaw-wielding Ash fights to save the world from evil with Pablo and Kelly, and unexpectedly makes a shocking discovery.”


When I originally learned Ash would return in a television series instead of a film I will admit there was a part of me that was a bit disappointed. Ash Williams is such a large presence on screen and the last film so big in scale, how could any network possibly do justice to such a character? Well, after three seasons of STARZ bringing us Ash vs Evil Dead, I can honestly say I don’t know if I could expect more than what they gave us.

Season three takes the series into an entirely new direction, bringing a new character that holds a close connection with Ash, which also is the key to Evil’s plans to stop the prophesized one from doing what he was destined to. Also with each season there seems to be one scene that tries to top everything else in the ten episodes. The same can be said for season three, which somehow manages to have some of the most gruesome, sick, hilarious and downright original concepts and sequences that I’ve ever seen.

Television shows have such a hard time finding their feet nowadays, with cable subscriptions dwindling and on-demand streaming services becoming more prominent in everyday lives, it’s a real shame that so many great shows aren’t given the chance they should to flourish. When I heard that this series didn’t survive the chopping block I was of course devastated by the news. It took so long for us to finally get more of Ash Williams just to lose it so quickly. All we can do is be grateful for the more time and story we were able to get, because honestly, what fans thought this would happen after all this time? Season three brings to a conclusion one of my favorite characters in the horror genre, and although he normally is a selfish, cowardly man, the character of Ash Williams is given the ending he deserves. The ending definitely leaves the door open for what would have been season four, and what a ride that would have been, but with Bruce Campbell confirming that he’s retiring from ever playing Ash again, it’s the ending we’re always going to have, and I can live with that.

Here’s breakdown of the episodes:

Disc One:

  1. Family
  2. Booth Three
  3. Apparently Dead
  4. Unfinished Business
  5. Baby Proof

Disc Two:

  1. Tales From the Rift
  2. Twist and Shout
  3. Rifting Apart
  4. Judgement Day
  5. The Mettle of Man


All the episodes in Ash vs Evil Dead are presented in 1080p High Definition Widescreen 1.78:1. The transfer looks great, with perfect clarity with no defects noticed. Colors are very vibrant and vivid, providing a great balance between them. One of the cool things about the series is how different each sequence can be, and the lighting and palate always reflect the mood in a great way. There is so much blood and gore in this series and you can’t ask for a better looking transfer to go with it.


The audio is presented in 7.1 Dolby TrueHD. The audio track here is equally as impressive. So much screaming, from both demons and humans, and this track takes total advantage of it. There is a great balance between the surrounds, giving us some great atmospheric and creepy effects that go along with the horror genre. The soundtrack is great as well, with some classic songs and covers that go perfectly with the sequences they were chosen for.

Special Features

The set has some great extras on it that of course fans will no doubt be watching. These are located on the second disc, which includes some mini-featurettes for each episode. You’ll also get audio commentary for each one as well, giving this a great re-watch value.

Here’s what you’re going to see:

  • Season Overview
  • Inside the World of “Ash vs Evil Dead”
  • Audio Commentaries

Ash vs Evil Dead for me will always signify what fans are capable of. It was out of sheer will of the fans this was made, and is a testament to how significant the character is to the genre and to millions of fans around the world. Is this the absolute end of Ash? Only time will tell.


  • More Ash.
  • Over the top sequences that top other seasons.
