The Elder Scrolls Online: Console Enhanced

The Elder Scrolls Online: Console Enhanced
The Elder Scrolls Online: Console Enhanced

The Elder Scrolls Online has been one of my favorite games to review. And now, ESO is bringing current-gen console players up to speed with Console Enhanced. This update takes full advantage of the power in current-gen consoles and brings players a beautiful MMO experience. Playing on PS5 might actually be my new favorite way to experience The Elder Scrolls Online.

I have been reviewing updates to The Elder Scrolls Online for almost three years now. My first real dive into ESO was with a preview of the Murkmire DLC. This was, unbelievably, back in 2018! And since then, ZeniMax has continuously given us wonderful additions that build out Tamriel bit by bit. But now, it’s time to step back from the nitty-gritty and take a larger look at The Elder Scrolls Online. Specifically, the new upgrade for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.

Take a peek at it here:


Now, we’ve talked quite a bit about The Elder Scrolls Online here at Digital Chumps. Because of this, I will be focusing solely on the updates to ESO and my thoughts on Console Enhanced. If you are curious about what we think of the base game or any of the DLCs, you can use the links found at the end.

Now, with that out of the way, let’s take a look at Console Enhanced. Shall we?

I played a little bit of ESO on the PS4 a few years ago. I wasn’t really into MMO-style games at the time, and it never really went anywhere. However, I do remember looking in awe at the environments. Everything was so pretty and worth exploring. And while that may have been true, young me had no idea what he was in for. Now, The Elder Scrolls Online is absolutely stunning.

Since I had been reviewing ESO on PC for the last few years, I was already used to seeing good graphics in the game. I am usually able to play on higher settings. However, there are some instances where it makes my PC chug a little. When I boot ESO on my PS5, I was elated. Not only could I see better textures and graphics (just LOOK AT THAT WATER!), but it also ran as smooth as butter.

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Console Enhanced

By far, one of the best parts of Console Enhanced is being able to play ESO at 60fps with such stunning graphics. While the graphic settings are lowered when you switch to the better frame rate, I did not feel that they dropped so low that the experience suffered. The Elder Scrolls Online finds a happy medium between quality and performance, all while taking full advantage of the PS5’s power.

Overall, I think I enjoy playing ESO more on my PS5 than I do on PC, which is not something that I ever thought I would say about an MMO. While the controls took a little bit to get used to, I found myself more comfortable playing The Elder Scrolls Online on my couch than I do at my desk. As always, ZeniMax has provided quality work that never ceases to amaze. If you are thinking about getting into ESO, I would highly recommend it. No matter the platform, ESO works well and continues to bring wonderful stories to fans of all types.

Below you can find some more comparison shots for yourself:

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Console Enhanced

Last Gen

Console Enhanced

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Console Enhanced

Last Gen

Console Enhanced

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