Overcooked! All You Can Eat

Overcooked! All You Can Eat
Overcooked! All You Can Eat

Overcooked! All You Can Eat is a wonderful cooperative gaming experience that is fun for the entire family. There is no shortage of fun in this definitive edition of the Overcooked series. Even if it can get a little heated in the kitchen.

Release Date:Genre:, , Rating:Developed By:, Publisher:Platform:

Overcooked! All You Can Eat offers up a cornucopia of entertainment for the entire family. The game includes OvercookedOvercooked 2, as well as a plethora of additional content. Overcooked! All You Can Eat is truly a feast of fast-paced, intense, kitchen action. With plenty of game modes, there is no shortage of entertainment to be had. Whether you are looking for a cooperative cooking experience, or to face off against rival chefs, there is something in Overcooked! All You Can Eat for you.

Check it out for yourself here:

It’s Quite the Party

With easy-to-understand controls, and a simple concept, Overcooked! All You Can Eat is a breeze to pick up. Admittedly, I had never played either Overcooked or Overcooked 2 before diving into Overcooked! All You Can Eat. That being said, it took me no time to get into the game and get a hang of the controls. The few people I played with in person had the same experience. We were all able to just pick it up and go.

Overcooked! All You Can Eat is an intense multiplayer experience at its core. Even though it is possible to play single-player, it is not recommended. The single-player experience is much more difficult as you must control two characters and swap between them. It is quite overwhelming unless you are using the game’s assist mode (more on that below).

However, since the game is designed for a multiplayer experience, Overcooked! All You Can Eat provides plenty of options to play this way. The game supports cross-platform online multiplayer. There is no shortage of other players and you will never have to play alone. Even though this game is great to play with others in person, the online mode is a wonderful alternative.

If you do not like working with your peers in a kitchen, Overcooked! All You Can Eat does include a ‘Versus’ mode. This mode will pit chef against chef to see who can get the most orders complete in a set amount of time. It was a blast to be able to face off against others in this setting. Even more so when you realize you can steal their unguarded dishes.

When playing with so many different people, it’s great to have a multitude of characters from which to choose. The roster was much larger than I anticipated. It was overwhelming in trying to pick a character. However, on the PlayStation 5, as well as the Xbox Series X/S, you can get the Swedish Chef from The Muppets as a playable character. And you better believe I hopped on that as soon as I could and never looked back.

Cooking for All!

The control scheme in Overcooked! All You Can Eat is super simple. All you really need is the joystick and two other buttons to play the game. This simple scheme makes the game infinitely more accessible than some other multiplayer games. And accessibility seems to be important to the developers.

In Overcooked! All You Can Eat, there were accessibility options added such as dyslexia-friendly text, a scalable UI, and an assist mode. These options make an already family-friendly game, even more friendly. Giving players these options makes it more inclusive and is wonderful to see in such a fun game.

The assist mode is a nice addition because not everyone likes such a stressful experience. A game does not need to be hard or anxiety-inducing to be fun. The fact that there is an option for those who want to enjoy spending time with friends without getting frantic is refreshing to see. Because sometimes getting a group of people worked up during a game can have some unintended consequences.

It’s All Fun and Games Until…

Admittedly, when playing games such as Overcooked! with other people things can get a little heated. Everyone is trying to be productive, and sometimes you begin to butt heads. People get in the way. Things don’t get done. The types of things that happen in these hectic environments.

When this happens, you are inclined to start getting into little spats with your teammates. In return, they may get short with you. One thing leads to another, and before you know it you are all yelling over one another. Things can get loud. And when things get loud, there can be consequences.

Photo courtesy of Matthew Perry

Some of my sister’s friends and I were enjoying Overcooked! All You Can Eat one day (Note: All proper COVID precautions were taken). We were all trying to do our own thing and also trying to get the others to help. Long story short, it got loud. The neighbors heard and called the police.

Luckily, the officer was very understanding. After giving a “must be one hell of a game,” he left us with a warning. It was absolutely the wildest experience I have had while playing a game.

Overcooked! All You Can Eat is a delightful game. My sister has asked me more than once to bring it over so we can play. It’s a game the entire family will enjoy. My parents, though not gamers themselves, enjoyed watching us play. The chaos that comes with it is all part of the fun. Just take my advice and watch how loud you get. But I do agree with that officer. It is “one hell of a game.”

