Curse of the Dead Gods (Early Access)

Curse of the Dead Gods (Early Access)
Curse of the Dead Gods review

Curse of the Dead Gods is an interesting game for me. It’s super tough on a keyboard and mouse. Some of the actual gameplay mechanics felt odd to me and at times off-putting and frustrating, and the visuals were really wonderful to look at. You’re probably telling yourself now that I would probably pull apart this game, give it a like rough score and move on. Well, you’re totally wrong in that regard. This game was addicting. I kept telling myself while playing, ‘OK just one more room, then dinner’ after every room. I kept wanting to go deeper and deeper to each level. I just wanted to keep going and going. It was fun to go through and just destroy the monsters and find what lay in the next room Curse of the Dead Gods isn’t a perfect game, but it’s a fun game that is really worth the time.

Release Date:, Genre:Rating:Developed By:Publisher:Platform:

This is a unique game for me personally. I’ve talked about my lack of experience with gaming on keyboard and mouse. Curse of the Deads Gods recommends a controller ON THE MAIN MENU SCREEN. Guess who didn’t listen…Anyways.

Curse of the Dead Gods is a top-down action-adventure game. Your character has been locked into a temple. Your goal is to find the rumored wealth, priceless artifacts, and possibly eternal life. A deal anyone would want!! What you find is a temple rooted with monsters out to kill you. Ya know, your typtical murder in a temple story. Except your facing the God of Death himself. A little bit more intimidating than Dr. Jones’ stories if I say so myself.

The gameplay is something that I struggled with in the beginning. You can move around the map and world with WSAD and look around with your mouse. This isn’t too bad until you get into a tight combat situation. It felt like I was confused and kept swinging at enemies that weren’t in that direction. Combat also felt super weird at times. It felt like the battles didn’t get harder the deeper that I went into the game. Enemies felt the same until you got to the final room of the level. That can be based on your choices though. You aren’t set to one single route, you can pick and choose what rooms you want to visit and go in. This is a big play in strategy. I found myself taking more of the rooms with gold and sanctuaries to help keep me alive. Looping back to combat, once I figured it out, it was honestly really fun for me. Playing smart and using distance attacks to stay back

Your character has the ability to collect relics. This is good for giving you and your weapons power-ups and special ability. This part of began to feel slightly cluttered. I kept on getting these which was super useful in battles and helped my character, then they just kept coming and coming. There was such an influx of them and it just became so…much. Like the carousel at the local county fair, I just kept rotating them in and out just to see what they would do. It honestly felt like nothing though. In combat, they just didn’t feel like they mattered at times. There we just so many and it just didn’t feel like they had much effect, or at least I never experienced the full effect of them. You also have curses place on you throughout the game. They can be used to your benefit, but do have overarching goals that can hurt you. These seemed to have more of an effect that the relics as you move through. These also change at a faster than expected pace but flow a little better. Most have a short term gain, long term consequence, but some benefit you fairly well when you get them. While both can help your character, there were just so many of them I never really fully experienced them. Weapons also feel the same way. I found myself just using the basic machete and pistol for most of the battles. Bigger and heavier weapons did help at times, but they just didn’t feel as important to me. Plus once I had figured out the best combat with the base weapons, I found myself just not switching to my others.

Visually, the game is honestly a fun looking game. I’ve never really been a fan of top-down adventure games, but this one feels different to me. The color palette is super bright and in your face, but it really worked. The level design and is something that I truly love. The layout of each level and the art inside those levels made me what to go deeper and deeper into the game. It was honestly addicting to look at. Even the monsters that you fight. Their builds and look are so freaking cool. I’m a sucker for a pretty game. This is one of them. It has the slightest feeling of cartoony, but that works for the game and makes it really enjoyable. The art style is something that really hooks me into a game. This was one of them for me. I kept looking and kept playing because of the beauty of this game. It’s simplistic, but yet looks so pretty to me.

Curse of the Dead Gods is an interesting game for me. It’s super tough on a keyboard and mouse. Some of the actual gameplay mechanics felt odd to me and at times off-putting and frustrating, and the visuals were really wonderful to look at. You’re probably telling yourself now that I would probably pull apart this game, give it a like rough score and move on. Well, you’re totally wrong in that regard. This game was addicting. I kept telling myself while playing, ‘OK just one more room, then dinner’ after every room. I kept wanting to go deeper and deeper to each level. I just wanted to keep going and going. It was fun to go through and just destroy the monsters and find what lay in the next room Curse of the Dead Gods isn’t a perfect game, but it’s a fun game that is really worth the time.



Ben is working for Todd Howard to notice and hire him as the new 'Vault Boy Mascot'.