Spyro: Reignited Trilogy (Switch)

Spyro: Reignited Trilogy (Switch)
Spyro: Reignited Trilogy (Switch)

Another amazing platformer is now on the Nintendo Switch. Spyro the Reignited Trilogy is a wonderful remake of the original games that will leave you wanting more. It is a lot easier than the originals, but that should not stop old fans and new fans from playing the game. Its a good game for the Switch, but I would recommend just getting it on PS4 or Xbox if you want the traditional Spyro experience.

Genre:Rating:Developed By:Publisher:Platform:

The purple dragon is back, even though he has been back on PS4 and Xbox for almost a year now. But Spyro the Reignited Trilogy is finally on the Switch, as it seems that the game fits perfectly for the switch. In terms of story and gameplay, playing on the Switch is no different than Xbox One or PS4. You can still ram, glide, and spit fire as it was when the originals were out. The beauty of playing this game on the Switch is being able to take this game on the go. It’s a 3D platformer, very much like playing Mario Odyssey, so it feels good to be able to play Spyro anywhere. Despite this, I would still recommend buying the game on either Playstation or Xbox.

The originals were on Playstation one, and that’s the only console they came too. So it definitely feels weird to play on a Nintendo switch. I think my main gripe with playing it on the Switch is the offset analog sticks. It feels genuinely strange controlling Spyro with the offset sticks. The layout of the buttons and sticks on the Switch don’t really make it feel comfortable paying the Reignited Trilogy. Another thing that I had experienced, was that playing in handheld mode gave me a headache. There are a lot of moving features in Spyro games, not only that but the dragon himself moves quickly especially if you use the ram attack. All those pixels moving so fast in a small device in your hands makes your eyes numb.

I had gotten the game, when it was released last year, on my PS4. It was fantastic, the story was still perfect, and the gameplay holds up very well. I believe that the graphics turned out really well, and it was awesome seeing my childhood memories reborn in HD. When I turned the game on with the Switch, I immediately had to change the controls to “Retro” just like I did on PS4. Playing with the new controls did not feel right for a platformer, especially Spyro. I mentioned that those graphics looked awesome on PS4 as the did for the Switch. Although, I had noticed a gradient or texture in the game that I did not notice on the PS4 version or other Switch games.

As I previously stated, the story and the gameplay are really good still to this day. If you want to see more of a review on the actual story and gameplay, you can check out Alex’s review on PS4: https://digitalchumps.com/spyro-reignited-trilogy-review/.

When playing the Crash Bandicoot trilogy remake, I did not remember the games being that hard. This was the complete opposite the Reignited Trilogy. I felt that the games were way more challenging back in the day and were too easy now. I wanted harder gameplay and to spend more time with the game. I felt that I blew through ALL three of the games. The Switch doesn’t have trophies or achievements, but to attest to how easy the game is, anyone can get the platinum trophy for Spyro on PS4.

I hope that the success of the Reignited Trilogy encourages Activision to explore more with this IP. The trilogy is great for old fans as well as introducing newcomers. Spyro is a hot commodity right now, see what I did there?


  • Spyro on the Go


  • Too Easy


I grew up in South Jersey, then migrated to Kentucky where I went to school at UK and recently graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Media Arts. I love all types of video games, especially RPGs and story-driven ones.